Thursday 20 June 2013

West Bali

West Bali
I only really visited one place in West Bali, and I went there for the surfing. Most people are just good enough at surfing to get themselves in a lot of trouble in Bali. Most breaks you have to be a pretty competent and physically fit surfer who is on his game. If you are just OK, head to Medewi Beach. It’s a fairly mellow (maybe not by UK standards but by Bali standards) left hand point break off a rocky outcrop. It can link up and give you a long ride and if you are a long boarder, this is the place to be. 

You can hire boards from Pee Pee the ding doctor, he has a little shack on the beach. But be warned, I snapped a leash out there, so could you. If you don’t take a board, take your own leash and cords at least. You can also hire a moped from Pappa Zou. You will find him by his wife’s massage station on the beach.

This is Pee Pee

There isn’t really much of a beach to speak of here, its all large stones. But there is a really cool little warung that does amazing food, a little restaurant at the top of the road with a pet monkey called micky, and one or two basic hotels. You can stay above the warung (no aircon) during the wet season for as little as £3.50 a night.

It might not look much but the coffee is good, the food is amazing, company is good, and the prices are peanuts.

Check out Kirras bungalow. Its run by a friend of mine called Dewa. It’s a lovely little pad in the middle of the rice fields with a sea view if you want some comfort. He runs the Medewi Beach website on facebook, check him out.

the view from Kirra's

Medewi, unlike most of Bali, is a small Muslim community. But it has a relaxed and chilled out vibe because its really only surf orientated. You will be expected to buy a Medewi t-shirt., the locals sell them and say it supports the little local surf club. By one. Its their break really, and a t-shirt is a small price to pay to get some mellow waves in boardies.  The good will also goes a long way with the local lads.
So if you want to surf, or you just want two days chilled out in the middle of rice fields reading a book, hit Medewi. Otherwise, I would probably miss it out.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Matt,

    We're headed to Indonesia in a few weeks time, and found your VERY recent posts to be helpful. We're thinking about heading to Medewi, and saw your friend Dewa's place on Agoda (we always try to book through them for security). Just wondering if you can help us understand the layout - is it just one floor or do you rent out the whole villa (top & bottom)? The views from the balcony look unreal!
